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what tools do locksmiths use for commercial services

What Tools Do Locksmiths Use for Commercial Services?

Categories: Tools And EquipmentCommercial Locksmith

Published Date: October 23, 2023

What Tools Do Locksmiths Use for Commercial Services?

With a growing emphasis on security in the world today, the role of a locksmith has significantly evolved. Particularly in the commercial sector, locksmiths have become trusted allies for businesses, delivering a wide range of services that go beyond cutting keys and opening locks. They provide solutions to complex security problems and offer a unique blend of skills that cater to the diverse needs of commercial spaces.

The locksmith's instruments are at the heart of these services - a collection of specialized devices that allow them to perform their job effectively. In a business setting, these instruments help them manage access control systems, fix malfunctioning locks, replace lost keys, and install advanced security systems.

The locksmith's toolkit is as varied as the situations they encounter, filled with a myriad of devices, each with its unique purpose. This post will delve into some of the standard equipment locksmiths use when working in commercial settings.

what tools do locksmiths use for commercial services

Part One: Mechanical Instruments – The Backbone of Locksmithing

Lock Picks and Tension Wrenches

At the core of traditional locksmithing lies the art of lock picking. A standard lock pick set usually includes hooks, ball picks, diamond picks, and rake picks, all designed to manipulate the inner components of a lock. Additionally, tension wrenches apply the necessary torque to turn the lock cylinder once the pins have been correctly set.

Key Cutters and Duplicators

A business can have multiple employees, each requiring its own set of keys. Locksmiths use key cutters and duplicators to create new keys from an existing one or code. They help businesses ensure that authorized personnel always have access when needed.

Bypass Tools

Bypass tools, such as padlock shims or knife tools, allow locksmiths to gain access without manipulating the lock's actual mechanism. These devices are especially helpful in situations where picking the lock might be more time-consuming or in instances of a lockout.

Part Two: Electronic and Security System Tools

Installation Equipment for Access Control Systems

Locksmiths today are often tasked with installing advanced access control systems. These systems might use key cards, biometrics, or electronic keypads. To install these, locksmiths use an array of equipment, from drill bits and screwdrivers to wire strippers and network cable testers.

CCTV Tools

In the commercial sector, Closed Circuit Television (C crucial) systems are commonly used for surveillance. Locksmiths may be required to install and maintain these systems. CCTV testers, coaxial cable tools, and power supply tools are part of a locksmith's arsenal when dealing with these systems.

Safe Cracking Devices

When it comes to securing sensitive business documents or assets, safes are often used. There are instances when a safe lock fails, or the combination is lost, and a locksmith is called upon. Safe cracking tools, like autodialers or electronic lock picks, are used to open these without damaging the contents inside.

Part Three: Locksmithing and the Digital Age

Locksmith Software

As businesses become more digitized, locksmiths also adapt by using software for tasks such as key cutting, code finding, and managing access control systems. This software provides locksmiths with an efficient way of keeping up with businesses' evolving needs.

Diagnostic Tools

Locksmiths use diagnostic tools to troubleshoot electronic or biometric locks. These devices help them identify any faults in the system and address them, ensuring that the business' security systems are functioning properly.

Mobile Apps

There are also mobile apps that locksmiths use for decoding keys, managing their tasks, or even for educational purposes. These apps help them stay updated with the latest techniques and tools in their industry.

Part Four: Specialized Tools for Specific Commercial Needs

Master Key Systems

For businesses, master key systems can be extremely beneficial. They allow for varying levels of access, with a master key that can open all locks in the system and sub-keys that can only open certain ones. Locksmiths use pinning kits and key decoders to create and service these systems, ensuring smooth operation and efficient access control.

Exit Devices and Door Closers

Commercial properties often require specific hardware like exit devices (push bars, for example) and door closers for safety and regulatory compliance. Installation and adjustment of these devices need particular tools, such as door closer wrenches and hex key sets.

High-Security Locks

High-security locks offer superior protection for commercial properties. They're resistant to lock picking, bumping, and drilling. Servicing these locks requires specialized equipment like tubular lock picks and high-security key machines. By using these tools, locksmiths ensure that the advanced security provided by these locks is maintained.

Locking Things Up: The Final Thoughts on Locksmith Tools

With the complexity of commercial security, it's no wonder that a locksmith's toolkit is equally complex. From traditional lock-picking sets to advanced diagnostic tools, these devices enable locksmiths to offer comprehensive services to businesses, ensuring their security needs are fully met.

In the final analysis, it's the skill and expertise of the locksmith that truly makes a difference. These tools, while powerful, are only as effective as the hands that wield them. It's a reminder that at the core of every technology and advanced system, it's the human element that counts. So, the next time a locksmith comes to your business, remember you're not just getting a service; you're benefiting from a rich tradition of craft and skill shaped and honed by the needs of security in our modern world.

If you ever need a locksmith in Louisiana, rest assured that TRULOX has you covered. Our enduring mission is to consistently exceed our customers' expectations by ensuring the security and safety of their possessions. We are deeply dedicated to delivering top-notch locksmith services with a significant focus on professionalism and efficiency.

No matter the size or complexity of your security needs related to your vehicle, home, or office, we have the requisite skills and resources to address them with the highest level of competence. TRULOX's proficient team is ready to provide cutting-edge security solutions, reliable and swift service, and insightful recommendations for choosing the best available products.

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